Celebration of Community Foundation – Annual Meeting

The Homer Foundation held their annual meeting Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 at the Bunnell Street Arts Center. The meeting started off with a musical hug from the Homer Ukulele Group (HUG). The group shared how they perform each summer for Fantasy Tours at the Heritage RV Park on the Homer Spit, and how hey direct their earning to the Homer Foundation because they know it will benefit the whole community.

Executive Director Joy Steward presented the 2014 Annual Report: A Community Pulling Together. Board chair Ken Castner announced that Flo Larson, Denise Pitzman and Polly Prindle-Hess have each been appointed to another 3-year term on the board, and Elaine Grantier for a 1-year term.

Asia Freeman, Executive Director the Bunnell Street Arts Center explained the timing and reasoning behind the Bunnell’s new Agency Endowment Fund at the Foundation, and hopes it will become a repository for legacy gifts to support the Arts Center in perpetuity.

The Homer Community Food Pantry and the Friends of the Homer Public Library were each awarded a $500 People’s Choice Award.

Homer Ukulele Group (HUG) leads a sing-a-long to start the annual meeting.

Homer Ukulele Group (HUG) leads a sing-a-long to start the annual meeting.

Board members Flo Larson and Polly Prindle-Hess put the finishing touches on the refreshments provided by Maura's Cafe.

Board members Flo Larson and Polly Prindle-Hess put the finishing touches on the refreshments provided by Maura’s Cafe.